Comstock Silver Mine MTO897779
Comstock Silver Mine MTO897779
Over 180 million dollars worth of silver and zinc proven in the ground to date from just 6 diamond drill holes. Potenial to prove much more with further exploration.
We bought this claim in September 2011
The claim is 541 hectors
9 addits and over 853 meaters of tunneling
37th biggest silver deposit in Canada
The vain has been traced for 2100 meters on surface
The proven reserve is 45.355 tuns grading 1199.8 gpt silver
six percent lead
ten percent zinc
Here is one report but we have lots more info and pics of work we have done
Warning - This property is offered for mining purposes only and ownership of the title to it does not include ownership of the surface rights or the right to use the surface for residential or recreational purposes. All ribbons and markings on the claim are for reference only and not the work of a licensed surveyor